
Peer Group 21st June 2022: George Stilwell
Quantitative strength analysis of people with C5-C7 tetraplegia. George presents the findings from his PhD studies that were completed with the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Canterbury.

Peer Group 7th April 2022: Emily Timothy and Julianne Johns
A spotlight on Spinal Cord Injuries: Emily Timothy and Julianne Johns will be giving us a sneak peek at their presentations for the NZRA (New Zealand Rehabilitation Association) conference. The three presentations centre around people with the lived experience of spinal cord injuries (SCI)

Paper published – what Independent Living means to BAIL
BAIL have just published a paper to explain what Independent…

BAIL presents at ASSBI/NZRA Inaugural Trans-Tasman Rehabilitation Conference 2019
The BAIL team (Jo, Johnny and Rachelle) were delighted to present…

New peer support study underway
A study exploring how best to provide peer support to people…

Knowledge translation in action: a CDHB & BAIL collaboration
In 2018 the CDHB piloted the Safe Recovery Programme into…

Johnny to work with World Health Organisation
Dr Johnny Bourke has been invited to be consumer representative…

Alan Clarke Memorial Lecture
BAIL Deputy Director Johnny Bourke presented the Alan Clarke Memorial Lecture this morning at the Asia Oceanian Conference of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine.