“Thank goodness someone is keeping an eye on me.” The importance of the therapy relationship in rehabilitation before and after hip and knee replacement.


Debbie Snell
Academy Director BAIL
Senior Research Fellow & Director of Clinical Trials Canterbury Orthopaedic and Bone Research Association (COBRA), University of Otago, Christchurch


Thursday 5th May, 2016
Burwood Hospital

Debbie Snell, Peer Group 05May16

We were very pleased to host Fernanda Zimmerman for her presentation of ‘Coping with cancer mindfully’. As well as taking us through what mindfulness is, she outlined her research based on existent mindfulness-based interventions plus work experience with the aim of developing interventions for adults with advanced cancer. Fernanda demonstrated a mindfulness exercise with the group and shared her own personal reflections from this work and reflections of some of the study participants.

Fernanda is a PhD candidate at the University of Otago Centre for Postgraduate Nursing Studies. She graduated in Psychology and is trained in Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction.

Resources available:

Watch the presentation: