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Dr Jo Nunnerley Publications
- Bourke, J. A., Nunnerley, J. L., Derrett, S., & Sullivan, M. (2018). Relationships and the transition from spinal units to community for people with a first spinal cord injury: A New Zealand qualitative study. Disability & Health Journal. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2018.09.001
- Calder, A., Nunnerley, J., Mulligan, H., Ahmad Ali, N., Kensington, G., McVicar, T., & van Schaik, O. (2017). Experiences of persons with spinal cord injury undertaking a physical activity programme as part of the SCIPA ‘Full-On’ randomised controlled trial. Disability and Health Journal. doi: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2017.10.005
- Armstrong, A. J., Clark, J. M., Ho, D. T., Payne, C. J., Nolan, S., Goodes, L. M., … on behalf of the Clinical Trial Collaborators, including Nunnerley, J. (2017). Achieving assessor accuracy on the International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury. Spinal Cord. doi: 10.1038/sc.2017.67
- Galea, M.P., Panisset, M.G., El-Ansary, Dunlop, S.A,…Nunnerley, J. (2017) SCIPA Switch-On: A Randomized Controlled Trial Investigating the Efficacy and Safety of Functional Electrical Stimulation–Assisted Cycling and Passive Cycling Initiated Early After Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2017, Vol. 31(6) 540–551.
Dunn, J. A., Nicholls, J. M., Snell, D. L., & Nunnerley, J. L. (2017). New Zealand wheelchair users’ preparedness for emergencies. Australasian Journal of Disaster & Trauma Studies, 21(1), 3-18. Retrieved from
- Nunnerley, J., Gupta, S., Snell, D., & King, M. (2016). Training wheelchair navigation in immersive virtual environments for patients with spinal cord injury: End-user input to design an effective system. Disability & Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/17483107.2016.1176259
- Nunnerley, J.L., Dunn, J., McPherson, K. M., Woodfield, T., Hooper, G. (2015). Return to work for injured survivors of the Christchurch earthquake: influences in the first two years. Disability and Rehabilitation. 30:1-7.
- Nunnerley, J.L., Dunn, J., McPherson, K. M., Hooper, G., Woodfield, T. (2015). A systematic review of participation and quality of life outcomes among those with an earthquake-related physical disability. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine; 47: 385–393.
- Nunnerley, J.L., Hay-Smith E.J.C., Dean, S.G. (2013) Leaving a spinal unit and returning to the wider community: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Disability & Rehabilitation.35(14): 1164 – 117
- Hay-Smith, E.J.C., Dickson, B., Nunnerley, J.L., Sinnott, K.A. (2013). The experience of return to employment following SCI in New Zealand. Disability and Rehabilitation 35(17):1436-46. doi: 10.3109/09638288.2012.737079
- Sinnott, K.A., Cassidy, B., Nunnerley, J.L., Bourke, J., & Kunowski, T. (2010). Commentary on Community Participation Following Spinal Cord Injury in New Zealand. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation; 15(4):63–71
- Dunn, J.A., Sinnott K.A., Nunnerley, J.L., Scheuringer, M.(2009) Utilization of consumer perspective to validate clinical measures of outcome in spinal cord injury.Disability & Rehabilitation. 31(12) 967-975
Conference Proceedings
- Nunnerley, J.L., Dunn, J., McPherson, K. M., Woodfield, T., Hooper, G. (2014). Negotiating the return to work journey after an earthquake injury: A grounded theory study. Paper presented at the 2014 SANNZ Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
- Nunnerley, J.L., Dunn, J., McPherson, K. M., Woodfield, T., Hooper, G. (2013). Negotiating the return to work journey after an earthquake injury: A grounded theory study. Paper presented at the 2014 ANZCoS Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Nunnerley, J.L., Hooper, G., Woodfield, T., Dunn, J., McPherson, K. M. (2013). Participation and quality of life outcomes following physical disability as a result of an earthquake: a systematic review. Paper presented at the New Zealand Rehabilitation Association Conference, Nelson, New Zealand.
- Nunnerley, J.L. (2010). The role of interdisciplinary practitioners in facilitating RTW following SCI. Presentation: Australia New Zealand Spinal Cord Society (ANZCoS) meeting Adelaide, Australia.
Sinnott KA, Verkaaik J, Nunnerley JL. (2009) The Independent Living (IL) development of transitional rehabilitation at the Burwood Spinal Unit. Abstract accepted for an oral presentation at the Australia New Zealand Spinal Cord Society (ANZCoS) meeting, Perth, Australia. (presented by JL Nunnerley)
- Nunnerley, J.L., Hay-Smith, E.J., Dean, S. (2009). The Experience of leaving a spinal unit and returning to the wider community. Presentation: Australia New Zealand Spinal Cord Society (ANZCoS) meeting Perth, Australia.
- Nunnerley, J.L., Hay-Smith, E.J., Dickenson, B., Sinnott, K.A. (2009). Critical success factors of early intervention Vocational Rehabilitation. Workshop Presentation: Australia New Zealand Spinal Cord Society (ANZCoS) meeting Perth, Australia.
Sinnott KA, Nunnerley JL, Dunn JA. (2008) Focus Group enquiry for the ICF Core Set Development for SCI in New Zealand. Abstract accepted for oral presentation at the NZ Society of Physiotherapy Conference Dunedin.
- Sinnott KA, Nunnerley JL, Dunn JA. (2008) Outcome measurement and the ICF – the NZ experience. Abstract accepted for oral presentation at the Australia New Zealand Spinal Cord Society (ANZCoS) Conference, Christchurch.
- Nunnerley, J.L., Dunn, J.A., Sinnott, K.A. (2007). The qualitative aspect of the ICF project the New Zealand Perspective. Presentation: Australia New Zealand Spinal Cord Society (ANZCoS) meeting Sydney, Australia
- Sinnott, K.A., Nunnerley, J.L., Dunn, J.A., (2007). Validating outcome measures using the ICF Core sets Data. Presentation:Australia New Zealand Spinal Cord Society (ANZCoS) meeting Sydney, Australia
- Sinnott KA, Scheuringer M, Nunnerley JL, Dunn JA. (2007)Focus Group enquiry for the ICF Core Set Development for SCI. Abstract accepted for oral presentation at the International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Sinnott KA, Scheuringer M, Nunnerley JL, Dunn JA. (2007) Focus Group enquiry for the ICF Core Set Development for SCI. Abstract accepted for oral presentation at the International Consensus Conference for ICF Core Sets for SCI, ICF Research Branch, Nottwil, Switzerland.
- Sinnott KA, Nunnerley JL, Dunn JA. (2006) The pragmatics of the ICF Core Set Development for SCI. Abstract accepted for oral presentation at the Australia New Zealand Spinal Cord Society (ANZCoS) meeting, Melbourne. Australia.
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